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Monday, July 23, 2012


Amazing Facts About GIANT SEQUOIA TREES The trees discovered by A.T. Dowd are called giant sequoias (suh-kwoy-uhs).They live only in the Sierra Nevada Moutians of North America. Sequoias are related to the Coast Redwoods, but they have thicker trunks, their needles are smaller, and their cones are bigger. Sequoias also live longer than a Coast Redwood tree. Some of the bigest sequoias have been given names.The biggest sequoia of them all is the General Sherman tree. It is 272 feet tall! If you have fourty kids in your class, and you all hold hands and make a big circle, that’s how big around it is,100 feet around! The smallest branch on the tree is 7 feet across and 125 feet long, which is about the length from third base across a baseball diamond ring to first base! That branch is bigger than most trees! The General Sherman tree is the largest living thing on our planet, and, it is located in Sequoia National Park. It is somewhere between 2, 300 to 2,700 years old. Which means it was around even before Jesus Christ was born!

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